outdoor action tv

American Stories is thrilled to announce that Season One of our high-stakes series Surviving Mann is now available on Outdoor Action TV! Hosted by SEAL Team 6 veteran and adventure expert Don Mann, the show challenges contestants in intense survival scenarios that test their strength, strategy, and resilience.

This season features a diverse cast, including military professionals, law enforcement officers, athletes, and everyday people, all vying to prove their mettle in remote locations. The series promises action-packed episodes and inspiring moments as participants face off against Mann in the ultimate survival showdown.

Viewers can stream the first season on-demand through the Outdoor Action TV app, accessible on Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, LG, iOS, Android, and online. For those who prefer live TV, tune in every Friday at 9:30 PM EST on Outdoor Action TV, also available via FreeCast, Local Now, TCL Channel, Sports.TV, and Xiaomi.

We’re excited for Surviving Mann to reach a wider audience through Outdoor Action TV, expanding our viewership and delivering compelling, high-quality entertainment. Don’t miss out—catch the ultimate survival challenge with Surviving Mann!

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